• Bekafun
  • Balletfloor cart with 6xtubes and 2xhandle L210

Balletfloor cart with 6xtubes and 2xhandle L210


This set contains:
1 COL of WALPSL230 (Length profiles L230, Set of 4)
2 PIECE of WAM2P27 (Ballet floor winder)
6 PIECE of WAM2P26 (Ballet floorroll round 120mm PVC L= 210cm)
1 PIECE of ZEM2SV10 (Boltset for meatrack (castor 100/125mm))
2 PIECE of WAM2P60 (Fork-side panel H 110 black with handle)

€ 2.659,79
prix TTC (tva inclus)

Délai inconnu

Fiche(s) technique(s)